Children’s Ministries

God Squad

Our God Squad program was started in 2011 as a way that children from the community and church can get together during the school year to learn about our Squad Chief, God. Bible lessons, crafts, singing songs, games in the gym are some of the fun filled activities that can be expected. We are a team of people working for God!

God Squad Chief: God

Assignment Time: 6:45PM-8:30PM

Squad Meetings: Thursday Evenings from October-March (see attached flyer for exact dates)

Grades Kindergarten-5th grade – Junior High Bible study happens at the church at the same time

Day Camp

Our Day Camp began in the late 1970’s by an energetic college student seeking opportunities for our church and community children to do activities together with a Christian emphasis.

It runs for 6 weeks during the summer, starting in June after our week of Vacation Bible School and is held at our church pavilion. Day Camp is offered free of charge to children completing 1st – 6th grades, each grade taking one week.

Applications are distributed locally and are available online. Along with a director for each week there are counselors, 7th grade and up, who are there to provide supervision.

Each day runs from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Our normal schedule is as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday:

9:00 – 9:30 Arrival and morning praise

9:30 – 10:15 half of the children at craft, half of the children at Bible class

10:15 – 11:00 Groups switch for craft and Bible classes

1:30 – 2:15 Monday only for grades 1 – 4 is a puppet presentation

11:15 – 11:45 Tuesday & Thursday music class

Monday & Friday afternoon

Organized games, scavenger hunt, water games…

Tuesday & Thursday afternoon

Swimming at Shenk’s Pond (pond designed specifically for swimming). A CPR certified individual will be at the pond.


All day field trip. We use our church van and bus for transportation.

Vacation Bible School

June 9-13 2024 ~ 6:30PM-8:45PM

The Great Jungle Journey!

Kids will embark on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation. Amid sloths, butterflies, river dolphins, and dart frogs, children will sail along on a fun jungle cruise, to explore the seven C's of History: Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross, and Consummation. Kids will discover how these events shape our world and how to connect the Bible to their everyday life.

Each evening will begin with music and prayer time, followed by Bible lessons in their age appropriate classrooms. Children will get to enjoy Games and Craft, as well as Snack each night. Each evening will close with more singing and a drama.

Classes will be offered for 4 year olds through 8th graders.